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Are Brighton Ticket Deals The Right Thing To Do ?
at 12:34:19

Sorry! Nick I am of a different view! I only read the first paragraph of this artical before I got too annoy with your views.
Southampton did not do everything in their power to keep V.V.D.. full bloody stop! They showed weakness & show me the money attitude! When will you learn! Southampton will never win anything if keep selling our best players & replace them with players like Boufal & Carillio.
So Reed can claim he's reinvesting the money back into team...
No Nick you need to smell the coffee! or the B.S
The whole point getting players to sign a five deal wasn't so Southampton cash in! No Saint fan are loyal can't support another team but we can vote with our feet!
what I would of like of seen with the V.V.D issue is for the player to be hung up to dried. A five year contract would of seen him never play football again unit his 30th Brithday!
Liverpool couldn't sign him & they would of had less chance of winning the league this season! So No Nick you carry on supporting the big six if you like! I won't be Southampton would still got the T.V money you wish to apart making football fans irrelevant then spilling your nonsense. I love my Club I wish to see them lift a cup in the air! Not be also runs...
A Dose Of Realism Needed With the Outgoing Loan Deals
at 14:59:36

Like others here commenting your artical Nick, is well constructed & thought out. However, the real frustration has in reality nothing to do with these loaned players.
No it's the belligerence of both our chairman & Reed,

They have failed to convince me they are right poeple for the jobs. The chairman shutting down a fan in the recently held fans foram, By declaring he thank for passion when asked they felt it was time to go!
it is unrealistic to claim they've done a reasonable job these past two seasons. No they must take the responsibility for their continued failures.
And we reasonable fans ask them to go!
The direction of the club has been up & down under these two guys! PLAYERS HAVE SAID IT, MANAGERS HAVE SAID IT, SPORT WRITERS HAVE SAID IT & NOW FANS ARE SAYING IT!!!

Where was the blackbox when they brought Carrillo? 20 million wasted, add to this! The deals with Gaston & Osvaldo if managers are fired for not winning enough games.. then who should take the blame for hiring not one but two disconnected managers?
Now we all know are limits we won't be competing with likes of top six anytime soon because we sale our best players too them!

And we have failed largely to bring on our own class of 92 via our academy and nobody can tell me honestly the players aren't out there to be found!
so in concludion they must go!
Because the truth is there are better football directors out there too!
Is It Time For James Ward Prowse To Leave St Mary's
at 10:13:24

In today's football figgers 10 million is an low ball offer! For a young home grown player. Remember we got 8 million for jose Fonte @ 33.
That said their no room for sentiment in football these days it's pure business. @ 23 JWP isn't a world beater! & we need world class players so sale him @ around 14
Sadly I predicted another tough season ahead of us! Our centre backs are not PL players we will leek goals! 50 plus
Is Mario Lemina About To Leave ?
at 00:29:18

Ok it seems you guys at ugly have kicked up a storm with this story judging by the amounts of comments! Personal I got bored reading your artical after your premise of chain of this player will move here if player move there!

This is a nonsense story & isn't worth the read time investment. We've some blackbox honor transfers in the last few seasons! Namely Gaston, Osvaldo, jodry,C, Carillio,Boufal & Redmond in my view
Blackbox my a*s! Pot luck in reality

Should this so called transfer go through it won't the last that's through Las Read will be!
Belgium International Linked With St Mary's Move
at 19:03:33

I was wondering if I could get a response from members of team ugly on their thoughts on these continued fake news & in my view Fraudulent transfer story's?
after all news outlets that pubish them are selling advertising articals base on their readers foot fall.
This being the case isn't fair that the pubishers has a duty of care to undertake some form checks so that all story pubish is factual bases to them.
and isn't also time that readers are paid to watch advertisers if we are force to watch them before gaining access to the artical that interest them?
Saints V JIangsu Suning
at 17:48:10

I've seen the highlights, and our defence looked shocking! Blooding shocking in fact! I also disagree with ulgy that the result isn't important I've heard that tosh before! Mainly from our Academy coach Fleming and that's why we are no longer in the Elite academy league and failed to return to the top league why we haven't sacked I'll never know?

That aside good luck to the new intake of youngsters!
So yes mind set matters a winning mindset..
we also need two new centre halfs ours need to improve the guy said to sign at any moment isn't much better why his team still let in 50 goals sorry Reed plus blackbox has failed us again mark my words I've said many times we need Johnthan T.a.h.
Should Saints Sign Ex Loanee
at 13:05:11

Of we shouldn't sign him please wasting our reading this dribble! It's annoying!
Why is it annoying? It's like most people other readers of this artical I am passionate about Saints so much so I do my own work! Each season I play my version of fantasy football because I feel I have too! Because there is no satisfaction reading mainstream newpaper stuff as it's mostly moronic noise! Selling adverising we've force to read then there you guys at ugly it seems you like to follow their dribble & repeat it therefore validating it as B.S news!

So let ask you this why can't you? Look for our next stars independently from mainstream media?

Let's be serious for a moment if wish to taken so then get your head out of their asses! Fake news is dead you guys at ugly have work at this before I was into football in 1990,
I remember buying match ugly inside mags they was funny!

But now it seems you've just given up! And washed up!
The first you at this year is carry out pole of Saints fans ask them what areas do we need to improve upon?

Should always do this with facts base results!
that said base on our last season results and who left?
And who's coming through! And who needs to go!

That said here my list!
Here's who needs to go! Base on performance
Jordy. C out on loan did ok ish... that's not permire league!
Shane Long he can around all day and still not score & he's over 30 we should be say thanks & good luck.
Boufal with a attitude that sucks get rid.
Steve Davis man this guy is cool love him!
I hope he becomes our manager one day! Sadly his legs have got... the only reason it'it's game over!

I'm on the dance with Redmond another poor season and it'it's curtains! But I put last down our poor manager!

So that leaves who to bring in?
if Redmond an ok ish season then I'll bring Luke Shaw back in January! On a free..
We need a world class centre half!
In my book we need two... realisticly I won't get that so there is only one who fits the bill Johnthan T.a.h value today at 30 million aged just 22 he fits The Saints -m-o he's young fantastic and 'he's a sure fire profit maker with a well on..
we need a back up for Cedric .S our academy may offer one up for that?
then there a 20 goal a season forward! This is make or break for Sammy G. He needs chances one thing sure he won't be worst then Shane Long .
So guys what do you think?
Saints Inquire About Liverpool Striker
at 07:29:52

What the he'll are you doing Ugly inside? Even printing this rubbish? It's cleanly totally untrue! All you are doing is underminding your own integrity as a media outlet of interest to all saint fans! Danny ings is clearly a champtionship player at best! And merely linking him to us because he's born here, is in fact insulting! to players like Sam G. of I could be gulity of taking The Ulgy inside publication for Saint fans or one circulated nonsense?
Who Is The Latest To Be Linked To A Move To St Mary's
at 17:27:46

Ok it's about we were honest with ourselves! Our so called famed blackbox has done the business in the past no doubt about but your only as good as your last signing! And an 19 million carillio in my view he wasn't ever in our blackbox system fact Les Reed got lazy didn't do his home work on him put simply he isn't worth 5 million in today's transfer money mark my words Osvaldo mark two!
I also wonder why it seen none of my fellow saint fan do their own scouting!
Instead I only see weakminded followers copy papertalk! All you guys worry me! You really do! you are sheep...
Please ask yourself what do we need and who should go!
For me it's to go... Boufal, Davis, jordy C, Carrillo, Long, Redmond.
who needs to come in a young international right back. Not sure who yet... to honest but two must have centre backs are Johnthan T.a.h of 96 handover the German u21 is the next big thing he's valued at 30 million transfermarkt today!
so will be valued at 80 million in two season time! Then are is Joris Gnagnon anther centre half value at 15 million today. Both are aged 21 ball players, fast and tall Joris is french and plays for Ren. So come on guy don't be followers be leaders.
Saints Interested In Defender Who Has Rejected Ajax
at 01:40:08

I'd go for the young un Joris, Gnagnon I've seen him play he's quality quick good with his feet too. Check him on u tube.
Saints Linked With Swansea Defender
at 18:21:31

Ok I think we all agree we need at least one Centre Half this Summer! So here are two the media in the UK haven't heard of yet! Watch them both on I tune and see what you think?
The first is an u21 French international named Joris Gnagnon he's an right footer valued at approx £ 15 million.
& the second player is a star Left footer valued at approx £ 30 million names Jonathan Tah now! We can get both them for less than we got for VVD this is called forward thinking... gain some knowledge and watch them both on u tube and let me know what I guys think...
Saints Linked With Swansea Defender
at 17:11:34

The one thing we all agree on is we need at least one new centre half this summer! If we are not ruthless... if I was in charge I would be... because fifth plus goals conceeded is far too many! And that's, for the most part playing under manager who focuses on a playing of defencive style game.
Having said I've watched Mewson a bit & frankly he isn't an improvement on what we already have... so sign him I wouldn't what's more far to many of my fellow Saint fans are sheep lazy biranless we allow the media to manipulate their thinking? It's called brainwashed I said wake-up before you comment on a player the media mentions do your own homework on that player.. inform fans can and should demand our board does' t a better job all round.
Saints To Launch Summer Squad Reshuffle
at 14:46:14

Oh my I think you guys at ugly have lost the plot! Clueless in fact.... And I'll prove it... here is what's most like going to happen or should... if it was up to me... Davis will be a first player in name only. As he won't play again but become an academy coach.
Boufal will be sold as will jordy C, Long will also be sold with a massive thank you Carrolill will be loaned or sold at a high lost.
we will buy a new cover young Right back. And a young forward and possible an centre back in January we will bring like Shaw back in January with Redmond sold next summer as a result. We will keep both keepers.
Saints To Launch Summer Squad Reshuffle
at 14:05:40

I Personal stopped reading this arrival about 1/3 into it as found it gut ranching to take.... because it seems poeple are too impatient for Stevens to turn into world centre half!
But that's because we shipped more than 50 goals but haven't recognizes we a new defensive coaches to bring him on to that level which he is clearly capable of!
Saints Fans Must Remain Calm Over Manager And Player Announcements
at 17:13:38

Have you ever heard of the Southampton Way?
Well your seeing it with your own eyes... Rome wasn't built in a day so chil lax's.
Key Dates For The Summer Transfer Window
at 18:21:51

I am not sure why many of my fellow Saints are so easily convinced Mark Hughes is the right manager for us?
When you consider A Wenger is available?
For me if a better manager is free to join us we should try to get the best...!
St Mary's Stadium Could Get A New Train Station
at 13:10:19

This typical blackmail nonsense from the tory's even if they got to run the council they wouldn't deliver the said station for at least 8 years due to costing issues as would always be a project part funded by public tax payer they then no doubt begin to offer more public money the rail company involved plus the engineering company that would build the station itself. Thus the pubic would end up funding around 70% of the total cost overal plus we tax panders should also remember two more important aspects about this proposal. These are the final costing will no doubt up five gold due to the time scale issues and the final fact in around eight years time there will be many more Electric cars on the road thus we will clearer air! anyway... then the tory' s will be charging us tolls to use the roads as they won't receieve our tax via petrol. So I'm afraid we need a revolution in our politic's in the form of internet voting on every issue.
Day 15 Urgent Action Needed
at 14:04:07

Don't worry guys, we've done this before remember when we had little faith in the board and they came up with the goods then and they will again.
Will A Defeat At Watford Prove Fatal For Pellegrino
at 13:54:53

Frankly I'm fed up reading about these attacks on our manager in the media let him get on with his job if he's sack so what.. let's face it there is a few poor performing teams as well in the PL The reason we are having issues this season is because we keep selling our best players season after season two wins and shoot up the league if we do that than we are midtable again! Stop blaming this manager and start asking questions of the board it's performance that should brought into question and no one else.
Where Is The Central Defensive Signing ?
at 17:33:46

I agree with many of my follow Saints fan here another centre half is not needed this month quite rightly a few support my view that Stevens is a class act in the making! No doubt it won't be an straightforward one direction improvement path there will be dips in form but boy he's good already world class in a few years time.
forget Walcott let's focus on the future stars but Timo Warner for a record 45 million from Germany's Leipzig this 20 year old class act is the super star
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