| Forum Reply | Time to go Jim. The turning point at 08:17 12 Mar 2025
I'll hold my hands up too, I wanted McNulty gone after that Barnet game but it's been an excellent turnaround. I think the fan response was justified at the end of that match and do think it may have sparked some kind of fire inside McNulty and the team. Until then, it was just grumbles and groans rather than audible displeasure/annoyance. The games since have been positive, direct and attacking. Fair play to Jim for his substitutions and line ups which have been spot on. I can forgive a learning manager if they're willing to try different players and tactics but blindly sticking to the same philosophy with the same players could easily have had him out of a job. Let's hope this form continues and we can get a result down the road on Saturday! |
 | Forum Thread | Maidenhead Away at 10:14 6 Mar 2025
Non-League day and tickets only £5.00 for both sets of supporters. |
 | Forum Reply | Time to go Jim. The turning point at 09:35 24 Feb 2025
Absolutely not. Jim McNulty needs to leave the club. He's been heavily involved for far too long in the poorest sides we've seen. |
 | Forum Reply | Why Do Managers See Different? at 13:06 11 Feb 2025
Very similar situation to ours where the manager had enough credit to keep himself in a job but the credit is being maxed out now. |
 | Forum Reply | Target man on loan? at 09:50 11 Feb 2025
It doesn't necessarily need to be a striker either... What a perfect combination we had when we had Vincenti on the wing, heading long balls back infield towards Henderson/Hogan for them to finish off. We won't see that though, as it's not how JM wants the game to be played. |
 | Forum Reply | Pitch covers at 10:13 10 Feb 2025
There's no excuse for them being left in such a state. If you're spending 30k on the covers, you may as well spend however much it costs for the storage/transport system for them. From what I'm told, they have to be carefully removed from the pitch as so not to 'spill' the water from the covers. What's the point of removing them carefully and storing them in such a way which can't be good for them? They have the space by the exit gates at the Sandy Lane end and that end in the Willbutts stand too. They don't use those exit gates so it's the ideal storage location (albeit slightly awkward). |
 | Forum Reply | Why Do Managers See Different? at 09:58 10 Feb 2025
Jim McNulty will not change his style of play, same as any other manager wouldn't, based on the opinions of supporters. Yet he nor his assistant Kevin Gibbins appear to see it? We're stuck with this until the Ogdens realise the cheap option isn't going to get us anywhere. Oh and in that, get rid of Gauge. Buy his shares and rid the club of him. He hired Stockdale and unforgivably allowed him to sign awful players for silly money, he hired Bentley and he gave the job to McNulty (Who, may I add, has been part of the coaching team for the last 4 years under both of those previous managers...). Cheap options every time which in turn cost the club money and its Football League status. People claiming he saved the club by putting his own money in... If he'd listened to the people around him that knew how to run a football club he would probably still have 500k in his pocket and we'd still be a Football League team. I don't think there's any pressure on McNulty from the board, I honestly don't. So I think we're going to be served up this utterly boring dross week after week for a long time to come. |
 | Forum Reply | Why Do Managers See Different? at 16:27 6 Feb 2025
Leicester City 2015/16. While all the other teams were obsessed with developing the 'Guardiola style of play', they were working differently and played over everyone else's heads, literally! Balls over the top to a deadly striker in Vardy. It's not quite the same but I'm just using recent history to show if you sometimes go against the grain, you can be successful. But that's probably not in the coaching manual, is it? |
 | Forum Reply | Why Do Managers See Different? at 09:29 6 Feb 2025
They do indeed watch a different game. You can tell that by the delusional post match interviews we see week in week out. You find it a lot with people in football or people who have played at any level above Sunday league. 'I've played football so I know better than you' attitude. So they dismiss common sense as nonsense. Managers task players with individual tasks on the pitch and it seems as long as the player is doing what they're asked, the manager seems happy - regardless of the result. Keith Hill used to occasionally watch from the top of the Main Stand. Perhaps JMc could benefit from doing the same and understanding what fans see. This style of football is so incredibly frustrating because one game we can look like prime Barcelona and the next we look like Rochdale. |
 | Forum Reply | Oldham game at 12:00 5 Feb 2025
Unfortunately, the manager has built a team which plays in a way which isn't aligned to being tough, gritty or angry. I didn't see one single challenge from any of our players last night that I thought epitomised a derby match or desire to actually win the ball. Why didn't anyone go and smash Fondop in the first 10/15 minutes? Oh yeah, for some reason our manager tasked Harvey Gilmour with marking the most dangerous player on the pitch (It certainly wasn't any of ours!). The referee was the most card shy official I've seen at Dale for a long time and yet we didn't take advantage. Frustrated more than anything. We're a soft touch and showed absolutely no effort to make the evening remotely difficult for Oldham. |
 | Forum Reply | Fans’ Forum at 08:40 30 Jan 2025
Likewise. If you've been in charge of something for 4 years and still blaming the previous regime for issues today, you're not very good. |
 | Forum Reply | Boston Match Thread at 08:44 29 Jan 2025
Enough is enough now. Since Simon Gauge became the chairman, we've constantly gone for the cheap option. This includes the pitch. How on earth can the club achieve sustainability if the very tool needed to bring people in isn't fit for purpose. It's been neglected for far too long now and the patchwork repairs simply add to the problem to be honest. We've got a great centre circle... but the rest of the pitch is worse than Firgrove. It's time for those who claim to be custodians of our club to actually look after it. Because as it stands, we're a laughing stock across social media and the football world. It's embarrassing. Sort it or leave and let someone else come in who is capable of running a 'professional' football club. |
 | Forum Reply | Ticket office not answering the phones at 15:20 22 Nov 2024
Appreciate everyone has different circumstances but why have you all waited until today to get your ticket(s)? They've been on sale for about two weeks and they made it clear they'd be cross checking details so it will obviously take longer than usual... |
 | Forum Reply | National League Cup Groups at 09:10 2 Oct 2024
It's free to watch online and I still have absolutely zero interest or intention of watching. I'm struggling to see the benefit of the competition to us as a club, both on the pitch and financially too. We as a club opted into this competition so if we accrue injuries, player fatigue or financial difficulties as a result, those who made the decision to enter will be entirely to blame. |
 | Forum Reply | Aldershot Screening 07/09/2024 at 16:21 9 Sep 2024
I believe they have, yes. The only resolution for them is that SG is no longer involved in the day to day running of the club. |
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