| News Comment | Oh When The Saints Is Not A Spurs Song ! at 01:47:49
Listen mate, it don't matter whose got the best song or singers wot matters is who as the 'ardest firm init! From the Yid Armies perspective we love loud mouth singing gits and we don't care wot song they are singing cos the louder they sing the easier it is for us to knock there bloody teeth out init! Now as too who 'as the 'ardest firm that's an easy one to suss out init. Course, its yer bloody Yid Army init, I mean the Totnum Massive 'ave geezers so hard the Old Bill give um three years in the nick just for standing in doorways! Now 'ave you ever 'eard of Koppit carol singers doing bird even if the toothless scouse gits 'ave no teeth (curtesy of the Yid Army) nah, course you ani't 'ave yer! I mean done I, whose ever 'eard of a 'ard carol singer! O when the Spurs going marching in.....the singing stops and the blighters leggit a bit sharpish. COYS |
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