| Forum Reply | Good wins at 08:36 12 Mar 2025
Personally I hope the Riza sacking report is nothing but a rumour. Let him stay, let him take them down...into the National League...or lower!!! For them to lose at home, against a relegation rival last night, after taking the lead too, will be a crushing psychological defeat. And have you seen their last 9 'run in' matches? They are all difficult in different ways. They surely are in real trouble now. Hull, Derby and perhaps now Luton, have momentum. The Booooooturds don't. Based on that though, we'll probably still need about 3 more wins (starting tonight?) to be mathematically safe? [Post edited 12 Mar 8:41]
 | Forum Reply | MPH at 08:00 12 Mar 2025
(Spoken in a German army uniform and accent) "Verrrrrry Interesting..." |
 | Forum Reply | 🔴 Likely candidates for the Swans job at 11:47 25 Feb 2025
RichardO, I'm not sure (and I'm sorry) if you've answered this question before, but have you played or been involved in football at a decent level yourself? You seem to identify specifics in play and formation that most of us don't see, unless it's blindingly obvious. I've supported the Swans for 62 years, but any match report I'd be asked to provide, would be very much more simplistic than yours. I enjoy reading your comments and analysis they seem to be spoken about 'with knowledge and experience' and it helps me in future matches to 'see' what you've identified previously. |
 | Forum Reply | Galbraith at 13:56 8 Feb 2025
I have'nt read what happened to end his transfer interest? Anyone shed any light? |
 | Forum Reply | RIP VIC at 11:00 14 Dec 2024
Vic really was a 'boy and threequarters!' A genuine character. Vic 'Bombersall,' as, like a number of posters have said, he used to barrel-chested 'bomb' up the wing and was a real crowd pleaser. I remember when Vic had finished his 'League' career and he was playing for Chelmsford City. My parents and I were on holiday in Marbella and one day, as we sat by the poolside, who should walk in...but Vic. Chelmsford were on a summer tour and ended up staying at our hotel. Because of knowing him and our mutual love of the Swans, we spent a lot of time together during that holiday. And it's typical of so many players over the years, but after his playing days he returned to live in Swansea. Having a car dealership in 'LA' (Lower 'Afod) he went on to have a strong working association with 'Sir Mel Nurse.' and was a genuine bloke, who always had time for people. So sad that he's gone, RIP Vic, you were a real hero of many, me in particular when growing up and watching the Swans at the Vetch. |
 | Forum Reply | Antiques Roadshow at 09:43 26 Nov 2024
Swancity: "not sure that we won the league in 1970 did we?" Sorry, you're correct mate, brain warp, I meant to say 'promotion' under Roy Bentley. We've only won 'our' League four times in our history. Twice before my time. The first time, it's interesting to say, was exactly 100 years ago this season. 1924 - 1925. I haven't heard any mention of that fact. 1948 - 1949, just after the war, when my uncle, father and grandfather started supporting us, which then led on to me falling in love with the club. Then the third time up in Rotherham in 1999 - 2000 under John Hollins and Alan Curtis. A Division 3 title winning day, which was totally overshadowed by the reckless and unprosecuted police action, in taking Terry Coles life. Strangely, the fourth league title win, was also ruined for us as Swans fans, when in 2007 - 2008, the League 1 season under Roberto. When after failing to beat our points total, bloody Leeds Utd contested their 15 points deduction at the start of that season. Meaning we we never got to celebrate that title win, until the official ruling was made by the league sometime later. I still 'resent' Leeds for that legal challenge to 'rob us' of celebrating our achievement. Especially when, for Swansea, title winning seasons are so few and far between. |
 | Forum Reply | Antiques Roadshow at 12:09 25 Nov 2024
Tony Millington was a great favourite of mine growing up. I was 12 in 1969 when he joined the Swans. I remember that well, as he helped us win the old Fourth Division under Roy Bentley in 1970. As others have mentioned, he was a real character and was always having fun, 'playing to the crowd.' In those days I stood on the open, 'Town End' at the Vetch, and so, saw first hand what he was up to, when entertaining the fans, when the ball was down the other end of the pitch. Tony was not only a fun character, he was a bloody good shot-stopping goalkeeper too. To the extent he was a major influence with me playing in goal for local Swansea Senior League teams in my late teens and early twenties. It was such a sad and tragic accident that lead to him being confined to a wheelchair in later years. And although in recent times we've had a couple of excellent 'keepers, memories of Tony during my formative years supporting the Swans and his time at the Vetch, always bring a smile to my face. Thank you for your time with us Tony...RIP. |
 | Forum Reply | Cooper sacked at 11:40 25 Nov 2024
This comment is not aimed as criticism at anyone in particular, it's just a general comment. I had a relative suffering from Macular Degeneration and it's a heartbreaking condition, which affects the centre of a person's vision, leading on, in some cases to full blindness. I believe I read how Steve Cooper's eyesight has required a couple of operations already and he's described how a routine eye examination, helped to identify his diagnosis. There but for the grace of god etc etc... |
 | Forum Reply | Cooper sacked at 11:20 25 Nov 2024
The Brentford Play-Off Final defeat was very hard to take for us fans. New Wembley was our lucky ground wasn't it? Leaving Wembley that day was something that still hurts. I think it was hard to take for the coaching staff too. My memories of the time was there was no fans outcry at Cooper leaving us for Crystal Palace. It seemed a 'natural end' to the relationship and one where we may get 'compo.' Like a couple of 'unknown' managers, we took a chance on Cooper. He wasn't paid what other experienced Championship managers could expect. However, we presented him with a chance at league management, so it was seen as mutually beneficial. So you can perhaps understand how he felt he deserved pay parity, having achieved the Play-Offs on two successive seasons. And how those 2 or 3 extra players could make all the difference the following season. And while I don't think he was a great manager, he was better than many we've had. And I found it had to believe the short sighted, counter productive decision of the American owners, (one of a catalogue of mistakes) not to support him. When he was taking us so close to their goal of the EPL financial bonanza...the reason why the Americans bought the club in the first place. That summer saw his resentment towards our owners, sentiments the fans regularly voiced. Like many people he wanted to be valued in his role, he wasn't, certainly not by his bosses. So this is why I don't believe he will choose to go to our cousins, as having experienced one set of 'bad owners,' he'd naturally be reluctant to want to experience a similar situation, working for Tan and his methods. |
 | Forum Reply | it's done the new era begins at 11:36 23 Nov 2024
Again, like some others, I totally agree with what Dr. Winston said about us adopting realistic expectations for any funds provided by the new directors. The problem with announcing the £20 million investment, is a percentage of fans will only read the headlines and assume those funds are immediately earmarked for new transfers. I have to say though, I've been very optimistic, excited even, about the prospect of the club's 'take-over' (Thank you Keith and Indy crew for providing this news in advance). No, just like many older posters, who have witnessed so many 'boom and bust' times over the decades (in my case since 1962) I don't expect a dramatic playing transformation...at least not yet. However, I do believe their increased commitment and financial stability will in time bear fruit, with better sourced/quality signings. Those will invariably increase the likelihood of a challenge at the top end of the table. Then, crucially, the perception of the club being a progressive one, to agents and players will change for the better. Making Swansea City an attractive destination again, like it was previously under the 'Welsh ownership.' As well as the financial potential though, what I also like about the 'new regime' are the numbers on the board. There will invariably be a business minded/professional consensus made with important decisions within the club. We won't be reliant on one or two men's whim's. It will be a professional structure from which Andy Coleman can make qualified decisions, to take us 'onwards and upwards.' Reading the news about the official sanctioning of the new owners today, was a great way to start the weekend. Welcome to Swansea gentlemen, I wish you nothing but success. |
 | Forum Reply | Striker Ideas that we could realistically get at 11:01 20 Nov 2024
If you're talking 'cheeky bids,' how about a 'very cheeky bid' for last night's Icelandic Striker Andri Gudjohnsen? Not only did he score their goal, I was also worried every time he had the ball in our half. He's Eidur Gudjohnsen, the ex Chelsea and Barcelona striker's son. He's currently playing for Gent in the Belgium league. Would he fancy an introduction into the potential money-spinning EFL, under the watchful eyes of the Premier League scouts? Yeah, I know...it's a very long shot indeed...but if you don't ask etc. |
 | Forum Reply | 🔴 New York Times: Swans investors agree to sell stake in club at 09:09 8 Nov 2024
I too would like to add my congratulations to Keith and the validation of Indy 'reporter(s)' (Liam?) over their splendid 'Swans in talks: how will it all end?' article. The accuracy of that article, now the sale details are slowly emerging, can be viewed as a most impressive 'scoop' indeed. How many 'Red Top' papers would have wrenched your arm off to have been the first to report it? (If only little 'nowheresville' Welsh clubs mattered eh?) Our genuine thanks must also be provided to the insider source. Someone who may well have put his/her job on the line by releasing the information. Someone who was presumably disturbed by what financial and negative restrictions the club was facing, and so, wanted the news to be made public, to give hope to Swans fans that the "couldn't care less," absentee landlord mindset of Levien and Kaplan was at last, coming to an end. Congratulations again Keith and the splendid staff, it's really appreciated by the vast majority of us Jacks. [Post edited 8 Nov 2024 9:13]
 | Forum Reply | The Swans' change of ownership negotiations??? at 08:18 8 Nov 2024
Happy Days Ladies and Gents! When I added this topic to the forum, I hoped some enlightened fan(s), could help provide some definitive answers to my questions raised. Never, did I expect the New York Times, the BBC and 'X' etc etc to provide the type of credible confirmations I was hoping to receive. My timing was strange, but the media replies have produced a warm feeling of relief and positivity about our club's prospects again. These new owners don't have a magic wand, so they'll need time to effect changes. But how good is it to know the apathy and resentment expressed by such a high percentage of our support, now won't feel that our progress is being impeded and put at a disadvantage, by the negative attitudes towards Swansea by both Levien and Kaplan. Thank you all for your responses regarding my confusion over the take-over process. It's so good this morning to be able to think positively about the future of the Swans again. |
 | Forum Thread | The Swans' change of ownership negotiations??? at 14:44 7 Nov 2024
I'm not one of these 'in the know' fans and, while I keep reading/hearing positive news about the potential sale of the club and change of ownership...I can't seem to find anything definitive about the current state of play. I'm hearing how the negotiations are well advanced, some saying completed! But suggestions made, for no public announcement, are the litigious minded US lawyers, dotting every i and crossing all the t's and because of it, it's all dragging on? But the question remains, are these sale negotiation rumours even accurate, or are they simply the fantasy, of well meaning but misguided, internet 'fan groups?' I say this, as the sporting media have been unusually quiet about it all, if it's correct? Does this mean the negotiations are being held in a professional and so, discreet manner, or is the sale just 'total hogwash' instigated by resentful fans, about the majority owners perceived apathy towards the club? The reasons behind Company House changes recently, may have been misunderstood. However, it's been the catalyst for desperate fans to get excited about the prospects of us being sold, to what appears (based on unsubstantiated rumours) perfectly credible, committed buyers. Should anyone have genuine inside sources, I'm sure many of us would like this to be confirmed/clarified/denied, one way or another please. |
 | Forum Reply | 35 Years Ago Today ... at 16:13 16 Sep 2024
I won't name 'names,' not to embarrass any of our local fans. One or two I considered friends at the time, quite a few years before they became officially connected with the club. However, it has to be said, one of those named, not a local, who has often faced regular criticism by Swans fans on forums etc was an absolute monster in the Ship Tavern when the bar, without an escape route, was surrounded by approx. 1,000 Greeks fully intent on attacking the 35 Swans fans trapped in the bar that night. All, I learned later, wanting to extract retribution upon 'English football fans,' as they believed us to be, who had caused mayhem in Glyfada a couple of years earlier, before a World Cup qualifying match. Many will understand what I mean, when saying how England and their fans (especially abroad) were the main hooligan firm in those days. The Ship Tavern, during the Monday 11th to Friday 15th trip, had become an unofficial HQ for Swans fans. There was no trouble at the pub before the night in question, although as Keith states, there were definitely low numbered 'skirmishes' in and around the Glyfada town centre, on the nights leading up to the match. This, I need to clarify, at least from what I witnessed, was not due to Swans fans instigating trouble, it was mainly, when making our way back to our hotels, being ambushed and having to defend ourselves from aggressive Greek 'scalp hunters.' With the local police seemingly determined to a) contribute to any bruising and b) swell their personal wallets in dishing out 'immediate fines.' for any reason they could dream up. I myself, 32 at the time, was beaten with truncheons and 'arrested' on the Monday evening, for no apparent reason, other than to expect me to contribute to their overtime pay. Photos of my bruises provided by the police, appeared in a Swans Fanzine being produced at the time. It was amusing being in the station with a Swans fan, who, when the Police were 'taking his details' insisted his name was 'Colonel Gaddafi.' I took another punch to the back of head for having the temerity to laugh with him, at his comical defiance. Going back to that 'not local fellah,' who travelled to Athens to be with his Swans fan mate. He was a 'colossus' that night, when the Greeks were surrounding the open Mediterranean type bar, turning the scene into a mini Rorkes Drift. By smashing down the stonework walls of adjacent bars and hurling them in at us. The bar was open plan and had a beer garden which separated us from the Greeks trying to get at us, by riding Vespa type bikes into the bar. Our unnamed Colossus, lifted a bench style wooden seat into his groin and was using it as a club, to smack these riders off their bikes. Honestly, It was pandemonium! I'd been a soldier (QDG's) serving out in Northern Ireland in the Seventies...but I have to say, that night in the Ship Tavern was the most afraid for the likelihood of facing serious injury (or worse) I've ever been involved with. No-one in the bar that night started the trouble, it would've been akin to suicide, such was the overwhelming numbers gathered around the bar. Eventually, after about an hour or so of this defensive battle, their police arrived, to arrest the Swansea boys. Who later had been trapped on a staircase leading to a nightclub, in trying to make their escape from the pub. The boys 'ran the gauntlet' of attacks, when being manhandled over to the large van (the type you see photographers chasing, when accused people are transported to court) which they'd brought to transport the Swans fans from the area. The aggression of the crowd was such, they were rocking the van, in a determined attempt to topple it, to get at the Swans fans. It was a harrowing scene indeed. The police needed to use their batons on the crowd, to keep them from succeeding. I was seeing the later part of this from one of the adjoining bars, having managed to slip away when seeing the Police arrive. The following day, as we were kept under armed police guard, in a room at a local building, not being allowed out of it all day. It was suggested I became a spokesman for the fans, and also, with trying to liaise, in getting the 10 held in jail released. It was all a bit of a circus when we eventually arrived home after the Fulham match. The media were focused on exaggerating the story as much as possible, every incident spoken of was twisted, to have violent connotations. And because of that, the anger of the people in Swansea, not necessarily Swans supporters grew, when hearing of the injustices Swans fans had faced. This focused the City on getting 'justifiable revenge,' as it was seen, on what had occurred, as it got closer to the second leg, at home in the Vetch. As you may be able to understand from my posting, the events of that Cup Winners Cup visit to Athens, for the match against Panathinaikos, has lived long in my memory. And, while no football fans are ever considered 'innocent,' I know, I saw, I was part of the build up to the events, the Swans fans in the Ship Tavern that night, most certainly did not instigate the violence. They did though need to defend themselves against a co-ordinated massed attack, on the pub they'd peaceably spent the last few nights enjoying their European adventure. |
 | Forum Reply | 35 Years Ago Today ... at 15:31 13 Sep 2024
I was there! What a night! What a fabulous, battling performance from the team after being 3-0 down. Then the following night, the notorious Ship Tavern incident. (I was there too) The Glyfada police ripped off the Swans fans of a couple of thousand dracmas (sp?) that the Swans party raised, to help the boys who were held back in jail. We were held under guard all day on the Friday, before being frog marched, escorted by police with machine guns onto the plane. Arriving at in London, to banner headlines in the lying Sun Newspaper of us having caused "Millions of pounds worth of damage!" Before we were very reluctantly allowed by the Metropolitan Police, to travel into London to see the Swans play Fulham at Craven Cottage. I wonder how many regular posters were on that trip? Never been back to Greece since. [Post edited 13 Sep 2024 15:35]
 | Forum Reply | Thanks for the point Jackies at 12:48 26 Aug 2024
Hey! What's all this anti-Neath stuff!? You'd be amazed at how much of our support live in Neath lads. I've always said it... Born in Neath...raised in Neath...and buried underneath! |
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