| News Comment | Krueger Reveals Gao's Investment Plans For The Club at 16:55:06
You really have become a mouthpiece for the club, is that because you now have again a season ticket with your name on it? We all know when you were banned that you still went to the games albeit under a different name! Your change over the last couple of seasons is evident to everyone that has ever bothered to listen. I remember having a chat with you a few years back, when you were banned and before we were back in the Premier League. You were nothing but negative about the club and it took me about an hour to convince you that we were heading in the right direction, but you still wasn’t that convinced! That was when we were on the way up! Now that we are heading in the opposite direction, but you are back within the thoughts of the club, it’s nothing but positive spin from you. You are coming across as a bit of a fool if I’m honest, just because you get invited to media days at Staplewood, it doesn’t mean all is well at the club, probably just another media outlet to spin their bullshit! What I don’t quite understand, what with you being a massive Saints fan; is you’re quite happy to spin the current incumbents of our clubs rhetoric as the truth, when we are clearly in decline, yet you had nothing positive to say about the previous incumbent when we were on the way up? It’s quite amazing really, you really have changed your tune, astonishing what a couple of invites to make you feel important can accomplish! Go SFC, Go Ralph and Les!! |
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