| Forum Thread | Negative and personal at 20:27 18 Mar 2025
It’s a disgrace booing our own players, so called fans, it’s frustrating losing but the hate towards players needs to stop ! |
 | Forum Reply | RIP Peter Smith (Swiggy) at 19:13 11 Sep 2024
So very sad, RIP Pete, well thought of by all who knew him, sad times. |
 | Forum Reply | TO-DAYS GAME at 10:41 25 Aug 2024
Yeah I thought the response to Brooks was harsh, could see it affected him. Allarakhia is doing great and Burger has showed promise. |
 | Forum Reply | Scores at 17:10 19 Aug 2024
Do you mean the pop up shop? I thought this was good idea last season, let’s hope it does come back,In response to the other guy I think the queues are to be expected in the bar, always going to be a rush at half time, credit to the bars they do well to get through the numbers as quickly as they do. |
 | Forum Reply | Scores at 16:29 18 Aug 2024
Well it’s early days, hopefully the Ogden's do pick up on some of the suggestions and we see some changes, some quick wins I reckon. Have already seen some improvements so it’s going in right direction. |
 | Forum Thread | Scores at 09:00 18 Aug 2024
Busy queues at the bars and kiosks good to see money being put back into the Dale. Shame tvs are not showing scores while waiting it would help pass the time. Also a suggestion for speakers throughout near kiosks/toilets at half time so can hear announcements, went to Boston and was good to hear other scores at half time. |
 | Forum Thread | Is there any update at 19:53 22 Mar 2024
Is there any update about the investors, doesn't the inclusivity time period end tomorrow? |
 | Forum Reply | 'You're Not Fit To Wear The Shirt...' at 09:27 29 Jan 2023
Good suggestions, shame you didn’t get any acknowledgement, the commercial team should have an account, the guy managing the bars has one and he’s responding to fans and listening, hope the fans forum in February gets an answer to some of these. They need to listen to fans, feedback needs to be constructive like this, I can imagine they are not looking forward to the 9th The players need to do better, it’s soul destroying watching it week after week. |
 | Forum Reply | January Wishlist - Non-Playing Ideas at 20:18 5 Jan 2023
Really good ideas here, agree the club could definitely use the bars to do more. Seems to engage more and are interested in feedback and ways to improve. Loads of opportunities to use the ground/rooms, car park, maybe a car boot? Definitely more opportunities of sponsorship options. |
 | Forum Reply | A unique football club..why you should invest in it? at 00:08 2 Jan 2023
Thanks for the welcome to the forum, long standing fan, through the ups and the downs, in fact for those really curious; previous employee (was many years ago though). Not a fan of the forum layout so don’t take my lack of contributions here as a representation of my worthiness as a fan. Something needs to change the club can’t keep losing that much each week financially and remain viable, I don’t know if some of the investment ideas suggested on here are the answer but it’s good to see people having ideas. Constructive feedback and thoughts to the club are the way forward not the moaning and attacking individuals that I’ve seen examples of on here. |
 | Forum Reply | A unique football club..why you should invest in it? at 23:48 1 Jan 2023
Or we could just get back to the topic of investment. Though In answer to your question not aware and not interested, move on I say. Just been reading a thread about feedback where commenters jumped to conclusions on that thread as well. Some bitter and aggressive keyboard warriors on here, what happened to fans discussing the love of the game, I’m all for a healthy debate but stuff on here is next level. |
 | Forum Reply | A unique football club..why you should invest in it? at 23:16 1 Jan 2023
Curious why banter between two fans is even being screenshot, sounds like someone making a drama. Maybe we focus on the game rather than trying to make something out of nothing. Admin need to keep the threads to relevant topics not unnecessary nonsense. |
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