| News Comment | Saints Need Backroom Overhaul at 13:55:17
Proof has been mentioned in the article and so many posts and replies recently if you take 5 mins to go through! Players may feel quite happy with these inexperienced coaches but eventually their performance are that matters, they may have a laugh at training with them but had minimal improvements, that can't be good to anyone, do u agree? |
 | News Comment | Time To Identify The Real Cause Of Saints Problems ! at 12:27:13
add: Jose started as interpreter for Robson in Porto, then was taken to Barca by Robson as his ass manager, then he had success in Porto after learnt from Robson. Case here are Dave and Kelvin can't even prove themselves as GK coach, how can they move into ass manager? |
 | News Comment | Time To Identify The Real Cause Of Saints Problems ! at 12:09:06
The difference between the Special One and our staff are the Special One is he was interpreter under Robson, not an ass manager. He clearly learnt and shown sth that led him being ass manager under Robson as ass manager where he was successful. However, what Wilson and Davies proved at Saints is continuously failed GK one after another. Funniest thing is when they left saints, they can perform. i. e. Boruc, Forster, ect. |
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