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Chambers Departure Does Not make Good Reeding !
Monday, 28th Jul 2014 17:34

The comments of Les Reed after the announcement of Calum Chambers to Arsenal have not pacified Saints supporters, far from it they are even more incensed.

The famous saying is "The buck stops here" and that has to be the case for Les Reed who after telling the world he is in charge of transfers at Southampton Football Club is not enamouring himself to the supporters with his latest comments.

The departure of Dejan Lovren was not a major shock to Saints fans, but Calum Chambers to Arsenal feels like a kick in the teeth.

"Calum made it clear to us that he did not see his future at Southampton. As such, it was crucial that we were able to negotiate a substantial fee that also reflects the work our staff have put into Calum’s development since he joined the club at the age of eight.

These were the words of Les Reed on the Clubs official wesite, of course fans know that players harbour ambitions of playing at the top clubs and for the top wages, but a year ago before he had made a Premier league appearance Chambers was happy enough to sign a four year deal, now he should have been made aware in quite certain terms that he would be sold when it suited Saints and that is certainly not at this very moment just after we have lost yet another player.

We should have told Chambers that he would not be allowed to leave until the squad has been strengthened, we now have five players out and only two in, whilst we are being linked with a host of players the fact is that being linked is not actually signing them, yes by all means let Chambers go to Arsenal, but let him depart on our terms not his.

Yes the most important thing is to make sure that the squad has the strength in depth but more than that it is the PR value, Saints supporters have had enough of rumours over the last six months both good and bad, it is worse when it seems to be all the bad ones happening quickly and the good ones seemingly just as far from fruition.

It is bad enough losing Chambers, but truth is although as a right back we already have Nathaniel Clyne at the club, with the departure of Lovren and Shaw we are short at the back, it is just bad management to let Chambers go before we have secured some incoming defenders.

So im afraid the buck has to stop somewhere and that somewhere is squarely at the feet of Les Reed's door, plenty of fine words over the last few months but every time its cut to the chase we have been found wanting, if Arsenal wanted Chambers that badly then they would have waited, whether that wait was one week, two weeks or even a season should have been controlled by Saints, we have shown weakness, Im sorry but for many supporters Les Reed is going to have to pull some rabbits out of hats now, he has set his stall out, to the suporters at least as a man who is not in charge, perhaps the players think that also and know that if they apply a little pressure then they will be allowed to leave no matter what the contract says.

As I said in an earlier article today, I still have faith in Katharina Liebherr to do the right things by this football club, I still have faith that we are in a lot better position than we were two years ago as well as being better structured than most in the Premier to keep moving forward, however Im not certain that Les Reed is the man for the job he is doing.

Photo: Action Images

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LostBoys added 17:53 - Jul 28
Complete idiot or a liar - his interviews can only be compared with Baghdad Ali in terms of their truth content or he has just been telling porkies to encourage us to renew our season tickets! Very unhappy and out odds to go down have increased dramatically and this is without Schneiderlin or Rodrigues being sold. Fonte and Cork to sign long term contracts - you are having a laugh.

cheltenhamsaint added 17:59 - Jul 28
"They've already made 80m (Shaw 27m, Lambert 4m, Lallana 25m, Lovren 20m, Chambers 16m). I'm not sure it's the worst move possible. It all depends on how the proceed from hereon, how the invest the money, what vision the manager has etc. Lallana wanted to go, Lambert is no terrible loss, Shaw arguably is a great loss. Lovren too. Then they will probably try to recoup at least 10m for Osvaldo. Won't let Schneiderlin leave on the cheap and Rodriguez is obviously out for the start of the season...

Having lost the manager, it was inevitably harder to keep the best players. But also, those players may have peaked and played to their maximum last season, in which case, it's a good time to sell if you properly re-invest in the team and plan long-term.

Is there a better youth academy in the country, where they pretty much have the run on any rival in their milieu.

I'm not entirely sure that this is all madness with no hint of long-term planning and preparation behind it... "
Not my words but that of a Man Utd supporter on their forum. And he his not alone as others are saying something similar. Definitely not perceived as a joke of a club by sensible supporters of other clubs

"Don't think it should be panic stations just yet. There's certainly more than enough talent on the market that they could get to replace the players they've sold. They got lots of money for those lads and they ought to spend the cash rebuilding not just the team but also securing some talent for the future.

For that money, I'd have sold those players too. It provides them with a fantastic opportunity to kick on. They done some good work already. Pelle and tadic are more than good enough to replace lambert and lallana, they just have to continue in a similar vein."

Too early to be mud slinging at Reed just yet in my opinion, who had no chance of convincing these players to stay when they all had life changing financial offers on the table from another club.

Very unique set of circumstances we are facing but too early

Burton_Saint added 18:11 - Jul 28
I for one want to next transfer out of SFC to be Les '"whatatosser' Reed. He was an incompetent manager at Charlton and is proving to be significantly worse here at SFC. I don't believe a word he says and if he told me the sun was shining I'd look out the window and ask for a second opinion. REED MUST GO!

pintsizedsaint added 18:20 - Jul 28
The Chambers deal is probably the tipping point for even the most rational of Saints fans. Everyone else I could understand - but this one puzzles me. It does leave us thin on defensive cover. So what if Chambers said he wanted to leave - he's not got the profile to make big waves and Saints could have easily told him no. In any event, he may well double in amount this time next year - and we might have even got some mileage out of him too.

I daren't go on any other forum for the ground must be shaking with those who want the heads of the board and even KL! I agree with most here - let's see who we bring in before passing judgment.

1970 added 18:24 - Jul 28
Chambers was sold at the end of the season woy wanted to take him to the world cup but couldn't because he has only two youth caps he is the new inger-land right back that's what woy was trying to say we still have Clyne and probably Jack Stephens but Clyne will never play for inger-land whilst he's with Saints Chambers new that so jumped,Wenger the child lover says a gamble what a load of b*ll*cks he's ready made you k**b,J-rod is an international now not with Saints he wont he'll be sold as well, Saints are still ok.

IanRC added 18:28 - Jul 28
You better have a sell on clause in there Reed, selling older players is one thing but Chambers was still developing and had much potential. So far your involvement has been a disaster and Kruger should be telling the owner this. If Morgan and / or Jay goes you should do the decent thing and resign. If you don't you should be sacked.

BoondockSaint added 18:32 - Jul 28
Our only hope is that since these players are considered future England players, they are therefore crap and we can use the money to buy future Holland & Germany players!

If you see anyone around Southampton with a fake nose and glasses, say "Hi Les!"

slynch added 18:40 - Jul 28
Can Saints get a better player for 16mill, yes I think so.
You can wait for a replacement cos there's no games of football atm. Wait too long and even a fool may take his money elsewhere.
Let the harvest continue...2nd by Xmas!

SanMarco added 18:58 - Jul 28
Although I am usually with the Cheltenhamsaint and slynch type of argument (and as long as the asset strip conspiracy theorists aren't right) I share their optimism long term - I do have to say though that the more I 'get to know' this Les Reed the more I think that there must be someone (probably quite a few someones) out there better than him for this job. Come on KL - sack him and get someone better in...

SaintinMalta added 19:00 - Jul 28
To have witnessed and then marveled at such a wonderfully entertaining, and fantastic team over the last few years. One of the best I've seen in the 50 years I've supported Saints. It is gut-wrenchingly sad to see what is happening now to this wonderful football club.

Owned (now), by a sheltered heiress who detests the spotlight, has no real affinity for the club (unlike her father), no experience, and has buried he head in the sand, while her appointed sycophants spoil the years of progress made with the help of her father's money and the golden vision of the best, strongest, and most leader savvy of a chairman this football club has ever had - one Nicola Cortese. Yet this guy is still lampooned on this website and other message boards. While the clowns Rogers, Reed, & Krueger (is he still there?) systematically dismantle our wonderful team. And we're told to have patience!

Towards the end of your previous post you said lets not make a 'drama out of a crisis' - these are the wrong two words mate. Catastrophe, and tragedy, are two better one's!

Last week a big Saints fan on here answered a post of mine saying 'this is the most exciting time to be a Saints fan'! Jeez.........................

Always, and forever a Saint - though they break your heart.

SanMarco added 19:05 - Jul 28

tiptop added 19:07 - Jul 28
Totally agree nic.
There is something not right behind the scenes for a sale of this scale to be taking place with no cover bought in.
Chambers signed along with many others, long term contracts and although contracts may mean nothing at the end of the day the sale of Chambers now, amongst all the other sales for me does show nothing else but weakness and bad management.
Koeman (club) says we should be patient. What? like arsenal or Liverpool or any number of PL teams who have strengthened a lot more than us and sold nothing like the scale and quality of players we have. Madness.

Where are our replacements?! I am gob smacked at this. We will never know but im pretty damn sure NC would have kicked Les Reeds ass out of the club for this work. The players knew he would only settle for the best and that level of strong leadership appears to be sorely missing.
Please god serve me up some humble pie but all i can gage from the club is lack of ambition and ineptitude and the only, er positives im hearing are we have sold players(virtually the entire first team) for lots of money or.... total bollox from Mr Reed.

TorontoSaint added 19:14 - Jul 28
I am absolutely gutted and I am only year one into this journey....what a complete cock up. I feel for all long time die hard fans....this is difficult to watch as a sympathies to all those with long allegiances. As long as Schiederlin & Jay stay I will reserve judgement provided they buy now...if they follow MoPoAssHo out he door I may have to shut this party down.


cornishsaint added 19:18 - Jul 28
To top it all BBC sport stating JRod has agreed personal terms with Spurs ! This day can't get any worse ! What the hell are the board doing to our club devastating news especially with no replacements other than tad and pelle in the pipeline ;( we are in big trouble if we haven't got any out field players in by the weekend

SanMarco added 19:25 - Jul 28
Interesting paragraph in the Guardian article about Schiederlin & Jay's departure for Spurs:
"The Southampton hierarchy, apparently with the blessing of the new manager, Ronald Koeman, has determined that any player who expresses a desire to leave will be allowed to exit St Mary’s for the right price though, at present, the first-team squad is increasingly appearing asset-stripped."
I am getting a sinking feeling. Unless this is a master plan of Ron's then I am beginning to get worried. I suppose the only thing you can say is all continuity has gone so why not sell the lot if we can get inflated prices. Can't really pursuade myself of that though...

cornishsaint added 19:38 - Jul 28
San Marco reading reeds statement today and him naming the talented youngsters we still have leads me to believe most of them will start the season, I think Koeman has been given limited funds and KL is stripping the rest ready to sell the club, the optimism we all felt at the end of last season is a distant memory as our club is stripped to the bare bones and yes our kids are good but they won't keep us in the prem as I believe others will continue to leave absolutely gutted and it feels like the poortvielt days all over again shocking !

SanMarco added 19:51 - Jul 28
Yes cornishsaint - the team sheet at Anfield in a couple of weeks now looks crucial. If it is full of youngsters and Hooveldts then yes we have been shafted. I doubt Ron would stay in those circumstances, indeed I doubt he would have come. That is my main cause for optimism - if they lied to Big Ron he would have already walked wouldn't he???

cornishsaint added 20:02 - Jul 28
Like you I am clinging to the hope Big Ron has a master plan I think he is a great coach and I believe he would never have taken the job if he wasn't given assurances over playing staff
Although looking at reed and Krueger I wouldn't be surprised if they have given Koeman some false hopes just to get him to sign
My fear is when JRod and spider go corky and the other senior players might force their way out as well ;(
What happened to club loyalty and values our odds on relegation have been slashed not good news ;(

davepid added 20:08 - Jul 28
Later in his piece Reed says weve got youth coming through to nplay in the first team.
Last time someone said that,Lowe, was at the start of the season we got relegated to Div 1.And that ws the last time we had a dutchman in carge ,too.


cornishsaint added 20:20 - Jul 28
Sadly we all remember the Lowe days and poortvielt, haha you gotta laugh sometimes as our club have done some strange things over the years
I hope history doesn't repeat itself as Koeman has more about him and hopefully a few more quid to spend than poortvielt had so let's hope for the best on the 17th when we take on our reserve side liverhampton

ChristchurchSaint added 20:43 - Jul 28
As anyone that has read my posts over the last week or two will realise, I always try to look at the positive side of things going wrong. But this time, I am totally numb and speechless at the pure total incompetence of Les Reed. His words about CC not wanting to stay- could he not have said" Not at the moment, let's look again in January". At least we would have got players in to play with someone who is experienced in our defence ( limited, I appreciate!). If Wenger can say that he has the potential to play at right back or centre back, could we have used him in the same way? To say we have other young players coming through- how long for? Until the big six decide that they are useful players and then offer a huge sum that Mr Reed will say " Thank you very much, that will do nicely" Sadly I now admit that barring a fantastic couple of weeks with RoKo buying the right players, I fear that the relegation struggle will start at Anfield.

REEDYREEDOREEDZ added 21:12 - Jul 28
Using the quote from the Guardian as used by sanmarco above:
'The Southampton hierarchy, apparently with the blessing of the new manager, Ronald Koeman, has determined that any player who expresses a desire to leave will be allowed to exit St Mary’s for the right price.'
That says all you need to know about what's going on. The club don't want to keep players who don't want to play for us. Fair enough if you ask me. F##k em. Sell them for as much as we can get. We only want players who will give thier all for this club. As supporters that's what we want from our players. JRod and Schneiderlin can go too if we're not good enough for them. Half of the players who leave us this summer will look back in years ome and realise it was a mistake and that thier best footballing years were at southampton.
The club have got to go all out signing players now. No more haggling over a couple of mil here and there, pay the asking price and get it done. The double signing of Forster and van Dijk from Celtic for £20m will get the ball rolling. Need a big signing this week to stall the fans fury.

BoondockSaint added 21:28 - Jul 28
Sorry Toronto-you didn't think it was going to be this crazy, did you?

Bulgarian added 21:36 - Jul 28
I wonder what has happened to all of us: anger, disbelief and relegation... Koeman sent us the message with his first Tweet for today (the second is equally brilliant!, couldn't stop laughing) - unless he wants to leave us, which is of course out of the question, he teases the audience for the coming weeks of incomings. I do believe the plan is underway and many of us will laugh at the despair they showed today. Keep calm and wait for the big time.
BTW, 26-27 July we had the first General meeting of Saints fans in Bulgaria - it was just brilliant. 6 die-hards from all corners of the country (3 others had a last minute cancellation). Anyway - Up The Saints!

no7saint added 21:45 - Jul 28
This is now looking catastrophic, I’ve always thought Schneiderlin is our most important player but now it sounds like both he and Jay Rod are on their way. This is utterly demoralising and tells me the club have lost control completely. However much of this money we spend now it is impossible to replace the core of a successful team in one hit, especially with so little time for them to gel.

Where this leaves us is worrying – few of our youngsters have enough PL experience to contemplate throwing them all in at once, and I can only see over-priced mercenaries being brought in with so little time left. This approach can backfire spectacularly, hence I don’t believe any of these deals represent good business overall.

Sorry to be so glum, I’ve always tried to be positive on here and given the board the benefit of the doubt but I now believe they are out of their depth.

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